
Homeopathic Remedy Kits & Detox

Original price was: $128.00.Current price is: $78.00.


These kits have the most widely used homeopathic remedies, split into 30C and 200C kits.

These cover all your home, emergency, travel, and pocket kit needs in 5 panels!  This also includes an amazing proprietary remedy (imprinted) created by a gifted homeopath I’ve worked with since 1996.

This library includes the following 5 panels:

  • Homeopathic Remedy Kit 30C (92 items)
  • Homeopathic Remedy Kit 200C (50 items)
  • Homeopathic Schuessler Tissue Salts (12 items)
  • Homeopathic Comprehensive Detox Kit (6 items)
  • Homeopathic Pascoe Detox Kit (4 items)

These kits keep you prepared for common conditions you and your family may experience, such as allergies, coughs, colds, flu, stress symptoms, muscle pain, insect bites, motion sickness, heartburn, and much, much more.

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