
Master Series – Assemblage Point Realignment

Original price was: $111.00.Current price is: $77.00.


The ASSEMBLAGE POINT is considered to be one of the most important energy vortexes because it’s directly related to our overall health and wellbeing.  The Assemblage Point is the ‘soul’s lens’ and it draws us forward, lighting our way into the future.  It is the central place where the energy field connects with the physical body, and it is directly connected to life force energy. It is a vortex of high energy in the Electromagnetic Body. It’s the location of the Assemblage Point that determines how we behave, feel, and perceive the world. Its location influences our conscious reality and greatly affects our physical and mental health. A paramount factor for total well-being.

The Assemblage Point is a fundamental, centrally aligned open ended vortex. It serves as a vital entry and exit point for the continual cycle of self-generating life force energy that sustains and maintains both the non-physical and physical well-being. This is the epicentre (and also the heart chakra) where the production of human life force energy assembles before exiting and radiating out to replenish and energize the energetic field. This continual, centralised flow of self-generating life force energy production is crucial for maintaining and sustaining the overall balance of the non-physical and physical human blueprint infrastructure.

There are 10 panels to assist in realigning your body’s natural connection to the quantum life-force energy.

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